Wednesday, 28 January 2009

MacDonald's: New Street

OK, so I would never normally choose to review MacDonald's toilets. I would, in all honesty, rather clean them. With my own tongue. However, in desperate need the other day I popped into this particular one to use its facilities and was most pleasantly surprised. See these sleek specimens:

Yeah there's some wanton loo roll, a random toilet seat in the corner and some weirdo taking pictures, but you've gotta admit - pretty impressive for a MacDs!

Even more impressive, or maybe just a bit odd - it's a fine line - was the unisex wash area:

Sorry about the blurred pic; but it was MacDonalds on the busiest street in Birmingham, at 5 pm. There were lots of people. I was getting in their way AND taking photos - suffice to say I felt a little sheepish; and really didn't want to start explaining what the hell I was doing ...

Decor: 7/10
I'm amazed. This is a MacDonald's. You'd never know.

Cleanliness: 6/10
Stray loo roll, but amazingly clean for a MacDonalds on the busiest street in Brum at rush hour.

Ambience: 5/10
Ummm pfff ... Still MacDonald's innit. Could be so much worse though

Lighting: 7/10
Yep, pretty good. Kinda sleek. Nothing untoward...

Stay & Play: 6/10
I'm sure it happens. And in all fairness there's far worse places to hang around in.

Keep up the good work! Maybe the unisex washbasins are a little out of place. The only other places I've seen these has been in uber-trendy bars ... Let's not get too ahead of ourselves now, Ronald ..

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