Black and white tiles do it for me every time. So monochrome but statement-y and retro but modern all at once. Oh, and did I ever mention my deep-seated passion for wood? Lots of my favourite things in one place. I did not expect this.
Only thing that slightly put me off was the weird bin-bag-sink job:

and the fact that 2 very conversational drunk girls fell into the toilets while I was there to do what girls do in toilets; ie pee for about 20 seconds and then talk for about 2 hours. I had to dive into a cubicle and wait until they'd finished blathering on to each other before I could emerge and continue snapping. My poor other half was in the bar and thought I had fallen down the loos, and tried to ring me to see why the hell I'd been gone for so long.. (Of course I couldn't take the call, as a) I was pretending that I wasn't there b) it would have been a bit weird talking on my phone on the loo and c) it would have been even weirder saying "Oh yeah, sorry, I'm just waiting until they go so I can take some more photos ..."
Decor: 7/10
As I say; black and white tiles. Wood. Yay.
Cleanliness: 7/10
Hold on - this is Friday night on Broad Street! Where's the vomit? Where's the make up smudged around the sink? ... Bit of stray loo roll and a weird binbagsink, but otherwise in jolly good nick
Ambience: 7/10
Not bad. Still a little lifeless, but pretty pleasant
Lighting: 8/10
Nice. Makes the tiles look good too.
Stay & Play: 8/10
Well, those 2 certainly did! I wouldn't mind hanging around here for a while. Although Mr H might get cross again if I did ...
Lose the bin bag in the sink. Do you not know what sinks are for, Mr O'Neil? how are they supposed to function when you stuff a ruddy great bin bag into them? ... Geez ... Other than that, y'know what - this does the job. I wouldn't want to move in, but I certainly wasn't dying to get out.
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