Because, clearly - 'e's just aren't cool enough.
Anyway, this is an interesting place; where they have a spectacularly enormous cocktail menu; where there are lots of scantily-clad, red-lipped, curvaceous ladies adorning its decor, and where they told me I wasn't allowed to eat. Or if I must, then it would be in the restuarant - on my own. While my friends chowed down on their steaks, next to me... Hmmm...
ANYWAY; this is not about a vendetta (not least because it is actually a great place; plus they have bargainous half-price deals on many things)- this is about loos:

Mm hmm. I like 'em. I like the weird long washbasins. I like the black and white tiles (see 'O'Neils' ... ) - I like various other unique touches (see Decor) BUT I have to admit; there was just something lacking. This is where that indefinable je ne sais quoi; that elusive 'ambience' comes in. And it didn't have as much as I thought it might. I can't quite put my finger on why. Perhaps it was the lighting - it was a bit cold and harsh. Team that with black and white and purple and you get quite dark colours. I dunno ... Tis a mystery ..
Decor: 7/10
As mentioned - yay tiles. Boo too much purple? Nice washbasin fittings and ooh - gadgets. I'm not an enormous techie geek, but I love it when people apply a bit of inventiveness to a toilet. In this case; clever little strip of 1 way glass so the laydeez can see into the club from the loos. Like it!:

Also, the rather fabulous red-lipped ladies make a subtle appearance in each cubicle:

(Err yeah, accompanied by myself, in this instance. Couldn't help it - it was a mirror. I am far more sensibly clad however, I hasten to point out..)
Cleanliness: 8/10
Don't remember there being any problems. Don't remember being able to see my reflection in the work surfaces either, but hey ho; I'm a tough woman to please ..
Ambience: 5/10
Weirdly lacking. Puzzling, cos lots of the right things in place, but for some reason just felt cold (I'm not talking temperatures here) and a bit ... plluuueeerggh. Those of you who mostly communicate in sound effects - like myself- will know what I mean.
Lighting: 5/10
OK, so perhaps herein lies the problem. It felt cold, it felt a bit harsh - although not bright; if anything verging on too dingy. Perhaps just too white. Or grey. Not warm and soft and comforting anyway. This bothers me.
Stay & Play?: 8/10
Y'see, despite the total lack of atmosphere, the fact that it's down a darkened subterranean corridor (with more monochrome tiled joy - yay!):

and into the bowels of the place makes it an ideal hidey hole for escape for a good gossip and/or re-application. PLUS the 1 way mirror - ideal for actually being able to actually point and laugh. Talk about being able to take a step out and objectify!
Hmmm ... This is a tricky one. I love the little unique twists in here - the well thought out touches. Perhaps it's too thought out though - all head and no heart. It's odd. Just not enough warmth or atmosphere; and I can't quite put my finger on why ...
Summer Row was designed by Macaulay Sinclair of Nottingham. Go and have a look at their other stuff at
What, the whole of Summer Row? Gadzooks.
Sorry, no, clearly just being facetious. Just Bluu Bar. And very pretty it is too ;-)
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