And no.
Such a shame; I've always liked The Cross. I have, however, always hated the toilets. And they don't show any sign of improving:
They're tatty, they feel really makeshift, they're often not working, no locks on the doors, no loo roll, and for some reason they're always sub zero temperatures. Oh, and the cubicles are weeny; more contortionism a la Bull's Head necessary in order to enter said cubicles.
Decor: 2/10
There's decor? What, as in someone hasn't just thrown some plywood into a box and left it where it lay? ... Oh, there's a nice mirror:
But, personally, I think the worst crime against lavatorial style is the font on the door sign:
What the f*** is that??!!! Oh dear, two of my obsessions - loos and fonts ... Seriously though, The Cross is a nice place; a classy place. So what happened to the loos? You know that as soon as you walk past a comic sans door sign, the loo's gonna be a joke ... So wrong.
Cleanliness: 5/10
No. Falling to pieces. Unflushed loos. Toilet roll coming off. Doors flaking. That said, the sink/mirror area is always pretty clean.
Ambience: 4/10
Errr ... pffff... Cold. Grotty. Nuff said.
Lighting: 7/10
OK. Again, better lighting in the toilets than in front of the mirrors. Geez ...
Stay and Play?: 3/10
Would you want to hang around in a Siberian plywood mess? Me neither. Bet it happens though. There's a decent amount of space in front of the sinks. And some hair straighteners(!) that might induce a bit of girly banter.
Controlled arson? Or how about they just re-do the loos so that they match the rest of this nice, classy, sleek bar?
1 comment:
Oh god, Curlz MT. Also the "font" responsible for TJ's in Leamington Spa. Ick.
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